9. How big is Saturn?
Saturn is second in size of all the planets. Jupiter is first. Its equatorial diameter is 120,000 kilometres. Its pole diameter is 108,000 kilometres. Although
Saturn's diameter is 9 times the diameter of the Earth, its
mass is only 95 times the mass of the Earth. This means that
Saturn has a low density and a small gravity.
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10. How far from the Sun is Saturn?
The mean distance of
Saturn from the Sun is 1,400,000,000 kilometres.
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11. How long is Saturn's year?
Saturn takes 29 1/2 of our
years to make one revolution about the Sun.
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12. How long is Saturn's day?
Saturn rotates on its axis in
10 hours, 14 minutes.
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13. Does Saturn have an atmosphere?
Yes. Saturn's atmosphere is very much like that of Jupiter. There is much hydrogen and methane in the atmosphere of Saturn. The temperature of Saturn is lower than the temperature of Jupiter. Ammonia which may be there must be frozen.
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14. What is the origin of Saturn's rings?
Saturn's rings may
possibly be made up of the debris of what was once a satellite of Saturn.
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15. How big are Saturn's rings?
The diameter of the ring
system, including Saturn itself is 275,000 kilometres (as
they are seen from the Earth). The outer ring is a little more than 16,000 kilometres wide. Then comes Cassini's division, a dark ring in which there is a little or none of the material which composes the rings. Cassini's division is difficult to measure, but it is probably about 5,000 kilometres wide. Inside Cassini's division is the second ring, which is slightly less than 26,000 kilometres wide. Inside this is innermost ring. This ring is about 17,500 kilometres wide. The total width of the rings is about 65,000 kilometres. The inner edge of the rings is 11,200 kilometres above the surface of Saturn. The depth of the ring system cannot be more than about several kilometres. Photographs taken from a short distance show that the structure of Saturn's rings is in fact much more complex.
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16. How many satellites does Saturn have?
The number of Saturn's discovered satellites is 33 now. One of them, Titan, with a possible diameter of more than 4,800 kilometres is one of the largest satellites of the solar system.
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